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Trafileria Lecchese srl
TRAFILERIA LECCHESE srl, boasting of many years experience in the steel wire industry, has reached a high level of quality in terms of product and service such as to be classed as the preferred supplier by many users. The manufacturing programme includes the following types of wire: mechanical spring wire wire for ropes wire for spiral-wound reinforced sheaths wire for vibrating screens wire for rivets and spokes wire for hose armouring Thanks to the use of high quality rod and specialized personnel as well as the application of appropriate procedures and tests during each phase of the wire working, the manufacturing system of our products has been certified to UNI EN ISO 9001/2008 as testified by D.N.V. Certificate 00696 - 95 – AQ – MIL – SINCERT dated 2010/01/22.
Manufacturer / Producer - Metallurgy & Metalworking
Company details
- Year incorporated
- n/a
- Headcount
- n/a
- Turnover
- n/a
- Main
- 25854, Italy, Olginate/LC, Via Campagnola, 37/39