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Blachford Corporation
The Blachford Group of companies designs and develops a wide range of customized industrial products. Blachford's fine global reputation reflects our commitment to innovation and exceptional quality. We serve our clients through vertical integration and maintain stringent environmental strandards. Our extensive resources means our clients enjoy a significant stategic edge. We've got the tools and the know-how to produce the best industrial products and processes available anywhere.
Manufacturer / Producer - Metallurgy & Metalworking
Company details
- Year incorporated
- n/a
- Headcount
- n/a
- Turnover
- n/a
- Main
- 60423, United States, Frankfort, IL, 401 Center Road
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Company contacts
- Fax
- +1 815 4642112
- Phone
- +1 815 4642100
- Website
- Last activity
- 2/3/2016