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Kolon Industries, Inc.
As a specialized company in chemical/materials, we are focusing our best in developing polymide film, elctronic materials, aramid, and other high value materilas to improve our business structure. By investing on our core competences we will soon become a "global top integrated chemical/material company"
Manufacturer / Producer - Metallurgy & Metalworking
Company details
- Year incorporated
- n/a
- Headcount
- n/a
- Turnover
- n/a
- Main
- 427709, South Korea, Gwacheon-Si, (14th, Heracron) 1-23 Kolon Tower, Byeoryang-Dong
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Company contacts
- Fax
- +82 2 36773579
- Phone
- +82 2 36773768
- Website
- Last activity
- 2/3/2016