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Corewire Ltd.

Corewire Ltd was established in 1976 and is one of the leading manufacturers of alloy-cored welding wires in the world. Our specialist technology is used for the cladding and repair of rollers, and associated components, in steel making and supporting industries under the WELDCLAD brand, the repair and hardfacing of dies and tools for the forging industry under the FORGEWELD brand and for general hardsurfacing applications in the earthmoving, quarrying and mining industries as well as the cement industry and railways under the COREWIRE brand.

Building upon our extensive experience of roll cladding, Corewire Ltd now offer Cortech high performance clad rolls. Cortech rolls represent a new quality standard in the manufacture of clad rolls for caster and hot mill applications. By complementing customers' existing roll designs with high performance Weldclad layers and strict quality control.

We have an extensive consumables development programme that not only encompasses new materials development for all these applications, but also focuses on designing solutions for specific customers requirements.

Over the years we have also developed excellent relationships with steel industry OEM’s such as VOEST ALPINE, DANIELI, CONCAST and SMS-SIEMAG as well as the world’s major steel manufacturers such as TATA, ESSAR STEEL, AHMSA AND ARCELOR MITTAL. In 2008 Corewire achieved the status of preferred supplier for welding consumables to the ARCELOR MITTAL GROUP, the largest steel producer in the world.

The Dymet Alloys division manufacture high quality Tungsten Carbide and bespoke Tungsten Carbide products.

Manufacturer / Producer - Steam boilers, Manufacturer / Producer - Tool for drilling, pressing, stamping, Manufacturer / Producer - Manufacture of forging tools, Manufacturer / Producer - Production of core boxes and molding molds, Manufacturer / Producer - Production Vice clamps and clips

Company details

Year incorporated


Station Road West Ash Vale Aldershot Hampshire, GU 12 5LZ Aldershot, Great Britain / Northern Ireland

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  • +44 1252 515833
  • +44 1252 517766
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