B2B Business Directory
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is a comprehensive Supplier in the field of Metal Forming Machine Tools. Fagor Arrasate manufactures Reversible Cold Rolling Mills, Skin Pass Mills, Tension Levelling Lines, Pickling Lines, Galvanizing Lines, Painting Lines, Coating Lines, Degreasing and Cleaning Lines,... read more
Manufacturer / Producer - Metal mount
Spain, EuskadiGrupo Antolin offers high value added solutions to dress the interior of the vehicle in four main areas: Overheads, Doors, Seating & Lighting. GRUPO ANTOLIN-MAGNESIO Since 2005 we have a plant in Burgos (Spain) that pioneers high-pressure magnesium injection with a great... read more
Manufacturer / Producer - Production of knives and cutters for machines or mechanical appliances
Spain, Castilla y León