B2B Business Directory
Company type
InterGuss works as a reliable service provider and supplier with more than 35 years experience in the foundry business In the field of High Pressure Die Casting our core area is die venting Innovative products, flexible manufacturing und the experience of more than 1000... read more
Service Provider - Cans and buckets
Germany, BayernSkill, experience, innovation and superb quality: The name of Wilhelm Tölke has been well known in refractory and chimney construction for more than 130 years. Since the beginning our customers and business partners have always valued our reliability, our attention to detail... read more
Manufacturer / Producer - Lead
Germany, BayernReliably providing our customers with appealing, high quality cast parts and support with problem solving by us as a competent partner. Continual further and advanced training of our employees to ensure our specialist qualification for our customers and our own production... read more
Manufacturer / Producer - Production of knives and cutters for machines or mechanical appliances
Germany, Bayernpromeos® entwickelt individuell auf den Thermoprozess zugeschnittene Brennersysteme, Beheizungssysteme und schlüsselfertige Beheizungsanlagen mit der flammenfreien Gasbrenner-Technologie. Die Gasbrenner-TechnologieDie speziell für Industrieanwendungen entwickelten Hochleistungs-... read more
Manufacturer / Producer - Radiators
Germany, BayernManufacturer / Producer - Metallurgy & Metalworking
Germany, Bayern