B2B Business Directory

Constantly updated catalog of companies providing convenient placement of information aimed at the establishment of new local and international business contacts


Smart search of organizations, classified by category and region. The ability to find new suppliers, buyers and representatives


The direct channel to manufacturers, suppliers and buyers in other regions and countries, with guaranteed response in the shortest possible time


Promote your company in several languages and find buyers for your products in the international market


Subscribe to news of the companies in your industry, be the first who know about emerging needs and offers

For Buyers

  • Register

    Register your company in the relevant category

  • Find new suppliers

    Establish new contacts with suppliers of the local or international markets

  • Tell us about your needs

    Get better offers from suppliers based on you requirements

  • Send inquiries

    Submit requests for proposals to potential suppliers in the local languages of the countries of suppliers, via an integrated service of translation

  • Sign up for our free newsletter

    Get informed about new products and services you are interested in

  • The result is - new suppliers, the best delivery terms and prices.

  • You metalworking company specializing in the production of the tool? Are you interested in finding suppliers of stainless steel, offer the best price and quality?

    We provide free and convenient service to find and contact suppliers of products you are interested of.

  • You buy a metal or metal products, for example, aluminum?

    We give the possibility to subscribe to notifications about new companies supplying products you are interested in. In addition, you can report your existing needs through our free service, and all suppliers will be notified of your existing needs. You will receive offers and can choose the best supplier.

  • You are looking for reliable suppliers and want to get more independent information?

    In addition to providing official information, we allow you to view the ratings and comments from other buyers about the companies-suppliers.

For Sellers

  • Register

    Register your company in the relevant category

  • Add product information

    Submit information about your products and provided services

  • Tell about your company

    Publish news, information on current promotions and other relevant information

  • Stay in touch

    Answer questions about your products and services to potential buyers

  • The result is - an increase in sales volumes and the expansion of sales regions

  • You are a metalworking company specializing in the production of tools. Your company have a need to expand sales channels of your products.

    We provide free and convenient service to find and direct contact customers who have a needs for your products.

  • You produce and sell metal or metal products, such as boilers.

    You can subscribe to notifications about the companies inetresting in boilers. You can send a free proposal to companies interesting of your product.

  • You have successfully selling products in local region or country, but want to expand the market.

    We give the opportunity to find customers in other regions and countries, as well as help with the translation of information about your company, products and services.

  • Are you looking for the official representatives to sale your products (e.g. blades for saws) in other countries.

    We give you the opportunity to find companies that meet your criteria (such as selling other brands of blades for saws), suitable for the organization of the sales and warranty service in other regions and countries, such as Germany.

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You can always unsubscribe from the newsletter later. We will never disclose your information to anyone.